Thursday, 16 December 2010

"Tax boycotts a form of corruption"

Well, well, well.

Premier Thandi Modise of the North West Province said that while she recognised that some of the grievances of the Sannieshof Inwoners- en Belastingbetalersunie (SIBU) were legitimate, their boycott action was illegal, and suggested that it could also be seen as a form of corruption, reports Sapa, via News24.

* The premier did not mention a word of the extent of corruption within municipalities.

Read the full report HERE.


  1. I suggest everyone reads the comments following the article on the website too.

  2. Thandi Modisi se kreatiwiteit verstom.My regte word vertrap,ek het geen inspraak nie,net my geld is goed en onontbeerlik vir die regeringskelms. Al protes wat Sannieshof het,is om die begeerde fondse self aan te wend tot voordeel van almal.Korrupsie beteken jouself op skelm wyse te bevoordeel ala ANC.Net 'n korrupte kan in Sannieshof optrede korrupsie sien. Twak,twak,rubbish.J de Swardt


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