Monday, 12 April 2010

Newsletter, April 2010

Hiermee ons eerste nuusbrief van 2010. Ons het die sake wat by die jaarvergadering aangespreek is, opgevolg. Die volgende antwoorde is ontvang:

1. Electricity: availabilty charges versus basic fees

Consumers sometimes confuse the availability charges and the basic fee. The purpose of the availability charges is to cover the cost of capital outlay, e.g. the supply of the cables and pipes for new connections. The basic fee must be paid by all consumers – even holiday homes where no electricity or water is used while the owners are absent. Incidentally, the basic fee was increased by 31%.

2. Draft budget

The draft budget was approved by Council on 30 March. Our Association was provided with a copy of the budget and the I D P (capital budget) for our input. Public meetings will be held as advertised. Please attend. Note that the rates are to be increased by 5.7%.

3. Council study grants award criteria
  • Applicants must be studying towards a “scarce skill”, i.e. Engineering, Information Technology, Project Management or Town Planning (including Draughtsmanship and Architecture) with a view to an appointment to a municipal post.
  • Applicants must have been accepted by a recognised tertiary institution.
  • Preference is given to applicants whose parents/caregivers have the lowest income.
  • Larger bursaries are awarded to applicants who will be studying at state-funded institutions as opposed to private institutions. This is because applicants are more likely to qualify for further bursaries, enabling them to complete their studies at state-funded institutions.
  • The size of the bursary depends on the monies available for bursaries and the number of qualifying applicants.
4. Garden refuse

Should residents wish to have garden refuse collected by the municipality, they can contact the Municipality’s Treasury section to make arrangements. Garden refuse is a separate service and residents are charged an additional tariff. Should residents wish to club together and use one vehicle to dispose of garden refuse at Paradise Beach mini-tip, bringing the total to more than five bags, kindly contact Parks and Cleansing Manager, Eksteen de Lange, at 042-2951155 or to make the necessary arrangements.

5. Kabeljouws caravan park

The Municipality is currently attending to this matter. Feedback will be given once the details have been finalized.

6. Sewerage tanks versus waterborne systems

The Municipality charges separate connection fees for sewerage tanks and the waterborne system because different connections are needed to enable the municipality to deliver the required services.

7. Stray dogs in Noorsekloof

The Municipality views the preservation of Noorsekloof and its animals in a serious light. Bylaws forbid dog owners from allowing the dogs to roam free. The Municipality is determined to find a solution and would like to meet with our association, as well as other role-players to discuss the way forward. The Community Services Directorate will, in conjunction with the Ward Councillor, establish contact in this regard.

8. Range fencing at Super Tubes

After two years of correspondence this matter was at last attended to. We will have to wait and see when the fence will be painted.

9. Reading of water meters

The Municipality has informed us that they are aware of the varying intervals between the reading of the water meters and are attending to the matter. Their current target is a variation of five days or less. They say that they are doing their utmost to achieve and improve on the target.

10. Telkom-mas

‘n Brief is aan Telkom gerig insake die mas van 37 meter wat hy beoog om te bou op hulle erf tussen Noorsekloof- en Snowdropstraat. Belastingbetalers is bekommerd oor die impak wat die mas op die woongebied sal hê en die invloed daarvan op eiendomspryse in die omgewing.

11. Winde van verandering 

Die bestuurskomitee oorweeg sekere veranderinge. U sal mettertyd daarvan in kennis gestel word. Ons vertrou dat die veranderinge tot voordeel van die belastingbetalers van Jeffreysbaai sal wees.

12. Ledegeld

Het u al u jaarlikse ledegeld van R40 betaal?

Henda Thiart, Voorsitter

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