Tuesday, 9 March 2010

If corruption and incompetency persist ...

"What Shiceka (Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs) should know by now is that the ratepayers’ associations will grow and prosper while corruption, incompetent cadres and lack of capacity persist in the local sphere of government. The poor, who do not pay rates, will continue to torch tyres, barricade roads with boulders and incinerate infrastructure until they are the recipients of proper service delivery.
The remedy begins with good human resource management."

These are the words of Paul Hoffman of the Institute for Accountability in Southern Africa in an article in Business Day on 8 March 2010.

Read the full, most interesting, article by clicking here.


  1. I have just one question to ask the Jeffreys Bay Ratepayers Association: Why are we not affiliated with the National Ratepayers Association? How can we even think of taking on the incompetence of our own municipal governance if we reject the backing of an umbrella organization which deals with similar problems across our country? Is now not the time for the committee to start thinking of the greater picture and stop acting only in their own, selfish, individual interests.

  2. To JBay Ratepayer: I, as a member of the management committe of the JBay Ratepayers Ass take serious exception to what you are saying. Please explain to me where we act only in our own selfish individual ways? Let me rather ask you, are you a member of the Ratepayers Ass and did you attend the AGM? Then you will know that the members voted against joining the NTU at this stage. Please, we need people who are prepared to work for the ratepayers, can I look forward to a call from you and we can discuss this???

  3. Mr Botes. Thank you for your response, however, you have still not answered my question: WHY (what was the reasoning behind the decision?) are we not affiliated with the National Ratepayers Association? It's a justifiable question, is it not?

    Furthermore, due to the low number of members (less than 0.5% of the population of Jeffreys Bay), it is obvious, even to a rookie like myself, that the JBRA does not have the clout to take on the municipality and I don't see or hear of any incentives to boost it's membership. In my opinion, if you're abiding by the strange decision not to join the NBU, drastic increase in the JBRA should take precedence over everything else.

    I believe the Aston Bay, Paradise Beach and St. Francis Ratepayers Associations each have thriving memberships. If we are having problems canvassing for members, we should not be too proud to ask them for some pointers.

  4. Sal u asseblief so gaaf wees om 'n e pos adres te verskaf of die nommer van 'n kontakpersoon. dakie G.Kriek

  5. Mnr Kriek, klik op CONTACT US. Dis heelbo links onder die mashoof. Al die komiteelede se besonderhede is daar. U kan ook n epos vandaar af stuur.


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