Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Dorp van Drome Carnival 17 June 2013

Your Carnival date on the 17th  June!
The starting point is in the parking area in front of the Dolphin statue on Dolphin Beach.
All participants must be at the starting point at 9am.
We will later inform you of the order of the participants.
The Major will hoist the Droom flag at 10am and say a few words. The Carnival will then proceed in a westerly direction towards the Skulpie Tannies and then through the Town. There will be Traffic officials and Droom marshals to keep ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Jeffrey’s Bay has never before experienced something like this!
There will be bands, veteran cars, dancers, a boat and of course, beautiful people!
It is a Dream project! It is up to us to make it an unforgettable experience!

“Flashmob” is when people seems to spontaneously start to sing and dance.
We would like to end the Carnival with a Flashmob at 12 noon with the CANSA Flashmob on the grass in front of the Dolphin statue.
In anticipation to the happening, practice your moves here!

Fancy dress!
Dreamers, it is your day!
We are going to participate as a group.
Come in your multitudes in fancy dress!
It is time to play!
Let your hair down!!

Dress up as a Dream character such as Wild Thing, Padmaker, Generaaltjie, Witch Doctor, Speedcop Bertie, Engineer, Token White,  Bean Counter or Pole Dancer!
Or hire a costume, rummage through your closet, create a mind blowing outfit that your even your spouse will not recognise!
Laugh  and play! It is good for your health!
Let us build a float!

Carnival Committee
It is up to the Dreamers to make a success of the Carnival, as we have made a success of previous Dream projects.
Become involved! All help will be appreciated!
The Carnival Committee:

Soria Swart 
Chief organiser
082 684 4350

Anette Nel
Liasing with groups
082 785 7599

Johan Deysel
Organisation at start
082 513 3117

Terry Venter
Secirity along the route
084 290 1600

Kind regards,

Bank: Nedbank  Account name: Jeffreysbaai Dorp van Drome. Branch: Nedbank Jeffrey’s Bay.Branch code: 177205 
Account number: 2004807830.   
Jeffreysbaai Dorp van Drome

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