Saturday, 25 February 2012

A brief AGM report

The Jeffrey’s Bay Residents Association (the JBRA) is, to use a bit of jargon, a voluntary association and a community based organization. As such it holds an annual general meeting at which the membership make essential decisions concerning the organization. The AGM for 2012 was held at Newton Hall on Wednesday 22nd February with the Honourable Ms Elza van Lingen as the special guest speaker.

Apart from the address of the guest speaker - which I will return to - the meeting performed many of the functions necessary to give a voluntary association life. On a sad and unfortunate note the organization passed its condolences to the 2011 chairperson Mr Trevor Watkins, and his family, on the passing of his beloved wife. The vice chair Dr Barnard therefore assumed responsibility for conducting the meeting. A brief presentation of the finances of the organization was given and whilst we are by no means an affluent body our financial position is healthy and sustainable. Further an amendment to the association constitution was passed. This provides for a system of free non-voting membership.

Finally office bearers for the organization were selected. I (Paul Hjul) have been designated as the Chairperson for 2012 - a daunting task in light of the tireless service of my predecessor. I hope that, despite my (relative - as my younger siblings and mother remind me) youth, I will be able to build on the firm foundation on which the organization rests. I hope to contribute towards improving the town for the residents. Other office bearers were not finalized however a meeting of the committee approved at the AGM will be held soon.

General consensus appears to be that the special address delivered had a general effect of undermining the principal business aspects of the AGM, and causing harm to the association’s credibility as an independent community based organization. This requires me to make some comment, albeit with trepidation:

The JBRA is not a political party, nor is it aligned to any political party. The decision to invite the Honourable Ms Elza van Lingen was not intended to suggest any alignment with the politics of Ms van Lingen. Instead the invitation was afforded to a senior office bearer in the Parliament of the Republic and our provincial legislature. A person who has considerable knowledge on issues relating to this area. In previous years invitations have been extended to the Mayor of the Kouga Municipality - who was a member of a different political party.

As the chairperson of the association I will be writing to Ms van Lingen to establish whether there has been any misunderstanding between the JBRA and herself; as well as to apprise her of the complaints which I have received. However I believe it to be inappropriate for me, or the organization to comment on what Ms van Lingen should or should not have done with the platform afforded to her at the AGM of the JBRA. I therefore only ask that the public understand that at functions of this nature the person afforded the privilege of delivering the address is customarily afforded a great deal of latitude. They may express opinions which are not those of the organization. It has therefore happened around the world that university graduations have been on occasion marked by an address to the graduates which thoroughly (and even unfairly) criticises the University. As an organization in an open and democratic society - which prizes freedom - the idea of controlling an invited guest is not only inhospitable but also repugnant to our ethos. However the incident does highly the fact that the major political parties in South Africa are on a path that threatens the autonomy and integrity of residents and ratespayers associations. In light of this, after fully apprising myself of the situation and in consultation with other residents and ratespayers associations, I will write to the leadership of the major political parties to express the concerns. I trust that these steps are sufficient to put the potentially divisive matter to rest.

As a community based organization it is our purpose and duty to promote and develop the community of Jeffrey’s Bay. It is our job to make Jeffrey’s Bay a nice town, in a nice region. A nice town is an inclusive town. We have made a major stride towards enhancing our inclusivity by amending the organization’s constitution to entrench the practice of having a pool of free (non-voting) membership. We will not limit ourselves to the interests of a section of the community or to the supporters of a particular political organization - or religious denomination for that matter. We will continue our efforts to develop a sense of community within Jeffrey’s Bay and hope to see the emergence and growth of neighbouring residents associations.

I hope that we can succeed and request the assistance from the community to enable 2012 to be a prosperous year for the residents of Jeffrey’s Bay.

Paul Hjul

Friday, 10 February 2012

Newsletter 4 in 2012/

  PO Box 1101 Jeffreys Bay
  6330 South Africa
  Posbus 1101 Jeffreysbaai
  6330 Suid Afrika
 (:       042 293 1405
 Ê:       0866 532 363
 È:       083 44 11 721
 Bank:  ABSA 1940 420 527
Jeffreys Bay Residents Association / Jeffreysbaai Inwonersvereniging
Newsletter 4 in 2012
This newsletter provides an update to members on the activities of their residents association since our last newsletter in November.
Please see the notice of the AGM on Wednesday 22nd February 2012 at 6pm in the Newton Hall at the end of this newsletter.
At this AGM the following changes to the JBRA constitution will be proposed:
Proposed Amendments to the Jeffreys Bay Residents Association Constitution
To be voted on at the Annual General Meeting on 22nd February 2012

Clause 7.    Subscriptions
Add :

e. There are two classes of membership, namely,

  • Voting membership, which attracts the usual membership fee as determined above,
  • Non-voting membership, which is free.

Clause 13.      Voting rights and voting at meetings.

Amend :

d. Only voting members whose subscriptions have been paid up, shall be allowed to cast their vote.

Add :

e. Voting members may allocate their vote to a proxy, in writing. At any meeting where a vote is required, the proxy may vote on behalf of all such allocated votes.

Nominations for 2012/13 JBRA committee

Nominations for the position of chair and committee members for the new committee are urgently requested. Please submit any nominations to, or post to PO Box 1101, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, or call Trevor Watkins on 042 293 1405.

Individual declaration of disputes with the Kouga Municipality

Many ratepayers and residents of Jeffreys Bay have ongoing disputes with the Kouga Municipality (KM) over issues such as property valuation, sewage removal, water quality, rates and services payments, and so on. In most cases the KM deals with these disputes in their own good time, or fails to deal with them at all, while the ratepayer keeps paying and waiting for a resolution of a sometimes urgent problem.

A widespread rates boycott would need the support of many thousands of residents, many of whom do not have a current, specific problem with KM. In addition, a widespread rates boycott  would not solve specific problems, but would address governance in the KM as a whole.

For these reasons, the Jeffreys Bay Residents Association (JBRA) is recommending that individual ratepayers and residents with a specific problem formally declare a dispute with the KM through legal channels. Once the dispute has been declared, the KM must formally respond to the dispute in writing through their legal department, and all disputed payments, levies and fines may be held in suspension until the resolution of the dispute.  For example, if you believe that your assessed rates are too high, and you have good grounds for this belief, then payment of the rates in dispute may be suspended until the resolution of the dispute.

The JBRA has reached an agreement with Blignault & Vennote, a firm of attorneys in St Francis road, Jeffreys Bay, to formally file a letter of dispute with the KM on behalf of a JBRA member for the amount of R80.  The resident will provide  name and address and details of the dispute to the attorney, who will then draft and deliver a registered letter to the Kouga Municipal offices, and will keep the letter on file at the attorney’s offices.  The dispute will also be logged on the Mobilitate website.
The R80 does not include further legal advice, or an assessment of the merits of the case. Any further legal costs relating to the dispute will be for the account of the resident raising the dispute.

The contact details for Blignault & Vennote are as follows:
Ernie Blignault BA.LLB.(Stell)
082 550 0391   042 293 2211
PO Box 1500
Jeffreys Bay

JBRA Facilities

The JBRA has developed a number of facilities in the course of the last year to improve communication between residents in our area. Unfortunately, the use of these facilities by residents has been quite limited, due perhaps to ignorance of their existence, or unfamiliarity with their use, or just plain apathy. A brief list of the facilities follows:


The official residents association website is at On this website you will find
  • recent news reports relating to J Bay,
  •  contact details for the committee, for your councillors, for the KM staff, for emergencies
  • Links to the blog, to Mobilitate and many other useful sites
  • Calendar of upcoming events
  • Issues currently being dealt with


The JBRA blog is at
The blog provides a forum for informed and serious discussions of the many issues facing J Bay and South Africa, and allows for easy addition of comments by readers. Articles for the blog can be submitted to You can register to receive an email each time a new blog entry is added.


Some very kind people in Gauteng have developed a remarkable website called, and have made it freely available to all South African towns and districts. The JBRA is using this website to log all the small and large infrastructure issues around our town. Any JBRA member is welcome to register on the website, view existing issues logged on the interactive map, and log their own new issues (including photos).
Each time an issue is logged it is automatically referred to the appropriate councillor by email. The councillor is then expected to follow up on these issues until they are resolved, then mark them as fixed on the website. The councillors performance can be monitored, issues can be escalated, outstanding issue lists can be printed, emails can be sent, all from the Mobilitate website.


Crimespotter is a facility on the Mobilitate website. You can log crime incidents in J Bay as they occur on an interactive map, allowing crime patterns and realistic crime stats to be extracted.
You can also log crime Alerts for crimes or incidents in progress. Mobilitate will then send an SMS to everyone registered for alerts, for free. This is ideal for alerting Blockwatch members and interested residents to any developing situation very rapidly. It could also be a key component of an effective disaster management system. Crimespotter also includes a blockwatch management and scheduling system, amongst other facilities.

Anyone can register on  Crimespotter at, log issues, log crimes and receive alerts. To control rogue registrations, your email address and cellphone number must be confirmed, by replying to a confirmation message. If you have any difficulty with the registration process, call Mobilitate direct at 012 809 3231 or Trevor Watkins on 042 293 1405 for assistance.


JAG is an email Googlegroup for the residents association. Once registered on JAG you can communicate with everyone else in the group simply by sending one email to one address ( You will also receive an email every  time anyone else communicates with the group. You can  leave the group anytime you want, by selecting an option included in every email received, or you can change how often emails from the group are received (1 summary per day, 1 summary per week).
JAG is an ideal way to conduct an email dialogue between people sharing a common interest, such as Thyspunt, or wind turbines. Everyone can have their say, issues can be debated, past discussions can be reviewed, consensus can be developed. The JBRA will also use JAG to post any important information received, such as Council notices, meetings, etc.
To join our JAG Googlegroup, visit or send an email to

Nuusbrief 4 in 2012
Hierdie nuusbrief dek die aktiwiteite van u Inwonersvereniging sedert die vorige brief van November.
Neem asseblief kennis van die kennisgewing van die AJV op Woensdag 22 Februarie 2012 om 6nm in die Newtonsaal op die einde van die nuusbrief.
Tydens die AJV sal die voorgestelde wysigings van die grondwet voorgegee word.
Voorgestelde Wysigings aan die Jeffriesbaai Inwonersvereeniging Grondwet
Stemery sal plaasvind by die Algemene Jaar Vergadering op die 22 Februarie 2012

Klousule 7. Intekening

Voeg by:

e.  Daar is twee vorms van Lidmaatskap, naamlik ,

  • Stemgeregtige lidmaatskap wat die gewone Lidmaatskap Fooi  bepaal soos aangedui hierbo
  • Geen stem Lidmaatskap het geen koste verbonde nie

Klousule 13. Stem regte en stemmery by vergaderings

Wysigings :

d.                  Alleenlik  stemgeretig lede wie se ledegeld op betaal vir die huidige jaar sal toe gelaat word om hul stem uit te bring :

Voegby :

e.                   Stem geregtige lede mag hul stem oordra aan ‘n prokurasie  met ‘n geskrewe  magtiging’s brief, wat dan die prokurasie toestemming gee  om die lid se stem te pos.

Nominasies vir die 2012/13 JBIV komitee

Nominasies vir die nuwe voorsitter en komiteelede vir 2012 word dringend versoek. Stuur asseblief enige nominasies aan, of pos aan Posbus 1101, Jeffreysbaai, 6330, of skakel Trevor Watkins op 042 293 1405.

Verklaring van dispute met die Kouga Munisipaliteit deur individuele.

Baie belastingbetalers en inwoners van Jeffreysbaai het nimmereindigende dispute met die Kouga Munisipaliteit. Dit betrek sake soos eiendomswaardasie, rioolverwydering, water kwaliteit, tariewe en dienste betalings, ens. In die meeste gevalle word hierdie probleme op die goeie langdradige tempo van die Munisipaliteit hateer, indien ooit. Intussen moet die belastingbetaler aanhou betaal en wag op 'n oplossing van 'n probleem wat ernstig kan wees, of wat vir hom/haar ernstig is.

'n Effektiewe algemene belasting boikot vereis die samewerking van talle duisende inwoners, van wie die meeste waarskynlik nie 'n huidige spesifieke probleem het met die KM nie. Verder, 'n algemene belasting boikot se funksie sal hoofsaaklik wees om die wanadministrasie van die KM in die algemeen mee aan te vat.

Om hierie redes het die Jeffreysbaai se Inwonersvereniging (JBIV) die volgende roete daargestel vir die hantering deur individue en inwoners met dispute. Dit is om binne die reels van die reg formeel 'n dispuut te verklaar met KM. Nadat die dispuut verklaar is, moet KM formeel reageer, dit is 'n skriftelike reaksie op u brief van hul regsdepartement. Deur die dispuut te verklaar word aksie oor  alle betalings, heffings en boetes gestop tot die dispuut uitgeklaar en opgelos is. 'n Voorbeeld is, indien u op goeie gronde glo dat u aangeslane eiendomsbelasting te hoog is, dan word die betaling van u heffing opgeskort totdat die dispuut heeltemal opgelos is.

Die JBIV het 'n ooreenkoms aangegaan met Blignault & Vennote, 'n prokureursfirma in St Francisweg, Jeffreysbaai om 'n formele brief van dispuut te stuur aan die KM namens 'n JBIV lid, waarvan die koste R80 beloop. Die inwoner verskaf hul naam, adres en details van die dispuut aan die prokureur wat dan die brief skryf en lewer aan die KM kantore. Hulle liaseer ook 'n kopie van die brief in hulle kantore. Die dispuut word ook op Mobilitate webwerf aangeteken. Die fooi van R80 sluit nie verdure regsadvies in of 'n opinie oor die meriete van die saak nie. Koste van verdere regshulp is vir die rekening van die inwoner.

Die kontakdetails vir Blignault & Vennote is as volg:
Ernie Blignault BA.LLB.(Stell)
082 550 0391   042 293 2211
Posbus 1500

JBIV Fasiliteite
In die loop van die afgelope jaar het die JBIV 'n aantal fasiliteite ingestel om die kommunikasie tussen inwoners in ons gebied te verbeter. Ongelukkig het min inwoners die  fasiliteite gebruik, miskien as gevolg van onkunde van hul bestaan​​, of onbekendheid met die gebruik, of net apatie. 'n Kort lys van die fasiliteite volg:

Die amptelike inwonersvereniging webwerf is by Jy sal vind op hierdie webwerf
  • onlangse nuusberigte met betrekking tot J Baai,
  • kontakbesonderhede vir die komitee, vir jou raadslede, vir die KM personeel, en vir noodgevalle, onder andere.
  • Links” na die blog, Mobilitate en baie ander nuttige webwerwe
  • Kalender van toekomende gebeure
  • huidige sake

Die JBRA blog is op Die blog is 'n forum vir ingeligte en ernstige besprekings rondom die sake wat J Bay en Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar. Die blog maak voorsiening vir die eenvoudige toevoeging van kommentaar deur lesers. Artikels vir die blog kan gestuur word aan Jy kan registreer om 'n e-pos te ontvang elke keer' n nuwe blog inskrywing bygevoeg word.


‘n Paar besondere mense in Gauteng het 'n merkwaardige webwerf ontwerp. Die webwerf se naam is Die program is vrylik beskikbaar vir alle Suid-Afrikaanse dorpe en distrikte. Die JBIV gebruik hierdie webwerf om al die klein en groot infrastruktuur sake rondom ons dorp aan te meld. Enige JBIV lid is welkom om te registreer op die webwerf, om bestaande probleme wat aangemeld is op te soek op die aanlyn kaart, en om hul eie probleme aan te meld, wat fotos kan insluit.
Elke keer as 'n saak  aangemeld is word dit outomaties verwys per e-pos na die betrokke raadslid. Van die raadslid word dan verwag om oor hierdie sake op te volg totdat hulle opgelos word, en dit dan af te merk op die webwerf as synde afgehandel. Die raadslede se optredes  kan dan gemeet word, uitstaande probleme kan gelys word, en e-posse vanaf die Mobilitate webwerf gestuur word.

Crimespotter is nog 'n funksie op die Mobilitate webwerf.  Hier kan jy misdaadvoorvalle in Jeffreysbaai op 'n   interaktiewe kaart aanmeld sodat die  misdaad tendense en geloofwaardige misdaad statistieke beskikbaar raak. 
Jy kan ook op Alerts misdaad of pogings daartoe aanmeld. Mobilitate sal dan gratis waarskuwings SMS aan almal wat geregistreer is daarvoor. Dit is ideaal vir die vinnige inlig van Blockwatch lede en belangstellende inwoners. Dit kan ook 'n belangrike komponent vorm van 'n effektiewe rampbestuur stelsel. Die Crimespotter program behels ook 'n blockwatch bestuur en skedulering stelsel.

Enigeen kan op Crimespotter registreer by, probleme en misdaad aanmeld,  en kennisgewings  ontvang. Om vals of spam registrasies per e-pos te voorkom, nuwe registrasies moet jou e-pos adres bevestig. As jy enige probleme het met die registrasie proses, skakel Mobilitate direk by 012 809 3231 of Trevor Watkins by 042 293 1405 om hulp te kry.


JAG is ‘n e-pos Googlegroup vir die lede van die JBIV. Sodra jy geregistreer is op die Googlegroup kan jy met almal in die groep kommunikeer deur bloot 'n e-pos aan te stuur. Jy sal ook 'n e-pos ontvang elke keer as iemand anders kommunikeer met die groep. Daar is verdere inligting op die webwerf.
Googlegroups is 'n ideale manier om 'n e-pos dialoog tussen mense met 'n gemeenskaplike belang te voer. Enigeen kan hulle sê sê, dinge bespreek, vroeëre besprekings hersien en konsensus bereik. JBIV sal ook JAG gebruik om enige belangrike inligting soos Raadskennisgewings, vergaderings ens te plaas. Om aan te sluit by ons JAG Googlegroup stuur 'n e-pos aan of besoek


  1. Notice of meeting

  1. Opening and Welcome

  1. Address by guest speaker.

  1. Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 22 February 2011

  1. Chairman's annual report, 2011/2012

  1. Financial annual report, 2011/2012

  1. Amendments to the constitution

  1. Election of management  committee, 2012/2013

  1.  Questions

  1. Closure


  1. Kennis van vergadering

  1. Opening en Verwelkoming

  1. Toespraak

  1. Notule van die algemene jaarvergadering gehou op 22 Februarie 2011

  2. Voorsitter se jaarverslag, 2011/2012

  1. Finansiële jaarverslag, 2011/2012

  1. Wysigings aan die grondwet

  1. Verkiesing van bestuurskomitee, 2012/2013
  1.  Vrae

  1. Afsluiting

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Kouga Municipality Billing Fiasco

The Kouga Municipality (KM) has sent out bills for January 2012 based on a 37 to 41 day month, as opposed to the usual 30 day period, the third time this has happened since July 2011. This is grossly unfair, if not downright illegal, since their charges and penalties are based on a sliding scale dependant on total usage in the billing period.  The vast majority of users will find themselves paying for electricity and water usage at a higher tariff than usual, because their total usage for the 41 day month is much higher than for a 30 day month. The highest tariff block costs R1.09/kwh, almost double the lowest tariff block of R0.58/kwh.

I tried to get comment from Carlien Burger, the acting Chief Financial Officer, and Sidney Fadi, the acting Municipal Manager at the Kouga Municipality. After 2 days of phoning and leaving messages, I was still unable to get hold of either official. I did manage to speak to Ria Van Heerden, in the collections department. She said that the long billing period was due to insufficient staff to read the meters over the holiday period. I am amazed that any organisation which spends 40% of its budget on staffing would ever dream of using a staff shortage as an excuse for anything. She also said that the KM could not do a general reversal of all the over-billed accounts, but that they had setup a system for giving credits to any ratepayer who queried their account personally at the KM offices.  It is not acceptable that the KM cannot produce correct accounts, and cannot even correct these accounts for all affected ratepayers when the errors are pointed out to them. Of course, it is not in the interests of the KM to correct these overcharges, which must have provided a welcome boost to the municipal income for January.

If your rates bill for January seems unusually high, you can claim the credit on your account which you are entitled to by visiting the KM offices in Da Gama Street and asking for Maureen Dodgen or Wilma Le Roux.  If you have any problems, contact Ria Van Heerden on 042 200 2125.

The KM MUST adopt an equitable and equal billing period policy in the future. Most businesses involved in a similar billing cycle adopt a 13 period per year approach, consisting of 12 periods of 28 days and 1 period of 29 days. The current arbitrary approach employed by the KM conflicts with the right to administrative fairness guaranteed by the South African constitution. The KM management must adopt a new approach before they lose yet another case in court.

Please remember the JBRA AGM on 22nd February at 6pm at the Newton Hall. If you believe the JBRA should continue, please consider volunteering to sit on the committee.

Trevor Watkins
Chairman – Jeffreys Bay Residents Association.

Monday, 6 February 2012


Inligting verskaf deur Bennie du Preez

TEL: 082-651-3722  /

Mev. Inga Gilfillan, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging (SBBV), het vreugdevol en met groot dankbaarheid kennis geneem van die uitspraak van Regter Vorster vanoggend in die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof.

Die  jarelange stryd tuseen die inwoners van Louis Trichardt en die Makhado munisipaliteit om die uiters swak bestuur, finansiele wanbestuur en administratiewe chaos van die munisipaliteit hok te slaan, het Vrydagoggend 3 Februarie 2012 tot ‘n historiese oorwinning vir swaarbelaste belastingbetalers gelei.  Die stigting van die Soutpansbergbelastingbetalersvereniging (SBBV) was juis ‘n poging om die hoogsbesoldigde munisipale amptenare te dwing om net hulle werk te doen en hulle werk reg te doen! Die aksie het nou tot die hoogtepunt beweeg.

Vir ‘n lang tyd het die munisipaliteit gereeld op ‘n maandelikse basis lede van die SBBV se krag onwettig afgesny – bloot om lede te intimideer en om lede so te ‘dwing’ om uit die SBBV te bedank. Mev. Gilfillan het gesê alle eer aan daardie lede wat nie onttrek het nie!  Vandag staan die SBBV sterker as ooit tevore! Maar almal het geweet dat dit nie so kan aangaan nie. Vergadering na vergadering is gehou sonder dat daar ‘n oplossing gekom het. Amtpenare wat laat kom, of wat nie opdaag nie, besluite van vergaderings wat eenvoudig nie uitgevoer word nie, het tot die drastiese stap gelei. Dit alles moes die komitee verduur terwille van ‘n beter toekoms vir ons mooi dorp, Louis Trichardt.

Die 24e Januarie 2012 sal onthou was as die dag waarop die SBBV besluit het dat genoeg is genoeg. Die munisipaliteit het op die dag weer begin met onwettige afsnyding van elektrisiteit van lede. Dit terwyl lede wel elektrisiteitsverbruik op hulle rekeninge betaal. Die elektrisiteitsverbruik is nie deel van die rekening wat in die trustrekening inbetaal word nie. Briewe is aan die munisipaliteit geskryf en hulle gewaarsku dat die optrede onwettig is.  Dit is op rekord gestel dat die korrekte verordeninge (bylaws) nie in plek is nie. Die munisipaliteit het die vriendelike waarskuwing weereens geïgnoreer.  60 lede se krag is afgesny.  Kragopwekkers op die SBBV se koste is aan daardie lede verskaf.  Die SBBV het toe met ‘n dringende hoogeregshof aansoek die hof versoek om die munisipaliteit opdrag te gee om die onwettige optrede onmiddelik te staak.  Regter Vorster het op Vrydagoggend 3 Februarie 2012 in die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof opdrag gegee dat die munisipaliteit onmiddelik die kragtoevoer na die lede van die SBBV sonder verwyl moet herstel. Mev. Gilfillan het gesê dat daar reeds (08:30 uur) begin is om die kragtoevoer na die lede se huise te herstel.

Die voorsitter van die SBBV, Mev Inga Gilfillan en die bestuurder van die SBBV, Mev Aretha Smit het hulle dank en waardering uitgespreek teenoor die inwoners van Louis Trichardt vir die wonderlike ondersteuning. Hulle het veral die komiteelede bedank vir die ongelooflike ondersteuning. Mev. Gilfillan het inwoners wat nog nie aan die SBBV behoort nie, uitgenooi om by die wenspan aan te sluit. “Hou op kla en kom neem deel. Deur die SBBV kan jy iets doen. Maak die SBBV se hande sterk met getalle en jou bydrae kan die SBBV verder versterk.” Sy het die plaaslike prokuteur Mnr. Andre Naude, Adv Dennie du Preez en Mnr. Jaap Kelder van die Nasionale Belastingbetalersvereniging bedank vir die harde werk, insette en gewilligheid om die saak te ondersteun.

Sy het inwoners uitgenooi om nou in massa by die SBBV aan te sluit. “Ons het bewys ons kan ons lede beskerm terwyl ons goeie korporatiewe bestuur bevorder”, het sy gesê. Na jare se geduld, mooi praat, en verdraagsaamheid is dit nou tyd om op te tree. Die SBBV se kantoor is by die Harcourts (kantore met genoeg aansluitingsvorms reeds in plek!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Brace yourself South Africa, we’re in for a rough ride

Monday, 16 January 2012
Source –

It is time for South Africa to knuckle down and work together in order to weather any pending  financial
storms, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said in his medium-term budget policy speech in Parliament on
“It requires an extraordinary national effort from all role-players, committed not just to identifying the
barriers to progress, not just to proposing solutions, but also to working together, over the long haul,”
Gordhan said. Using the unfolding European sovereign debt crisis as a point of departure, Gordhan noted
that although many predicted the worst of the 2008 global financial crisis to be behind the world’s economy,
tough times lay ahead.
“We have learnt from the 2008 global crisis that sound fiscal and financial institutions do not provide
immunity against job losses in our own economy arising from turbulence originating elsewhere in the
world. Nor are they sufficient to reposition our economy on a new growth trajectory that creates jobs,
reduces inequality and improves the quality of life of our people,” he said.
While commentators and economists have painted the South African economy as being insulated from the
economic crises unfolding around the globe, Gordhan’s comments suggest such ideas have been naive.
Increased spending on infrastructure
In a rather dour address, Gordhan revealed how South Africa’s financial plans would be adjusted ahead of
the main budget statement in February next year, including the announcement of a massive plan to increase
the development of infrastructure and energy around the country. To this effect, infrastructure spending in
the current year is predicted to be R223-billion, accounting for 7.8% of South Africa’s gross domestic
product (GDP), as part of a plan to spend R802-billion in the sector over the next three years.
Infrastructure development plans include R292-billion for the energy sector, R226-billion for transport and
logistics, R39-billion for improving existing and developing new health facilities, R32-billion on education
infrastructure along with funding towards municipal and provincial housing. The majority of this
expenditure will be financed through borrowing — increasing the country’s debt levels.
Falling revenues and increased borrowing
It is expected that tax revenue will reach R729-billion in 2011, a figure R13-billion lower than originally
estimated. Accordingly, South Africa plans to borrow more from international financial institutions in order
to meet its plans to spend over R1-trillion in rolling our governmental programs.As a result, government
debt will rise to 40% of GDP in 2015, as compared to 23% in 2009.
GDP deficit figures for 2011 are forecast to reach 5.5%, dropping to 5.2% in 2012 and moving lower to 3.3%
in 2014/15. Actual GDP growth in 2012 is expected to reach 3.4% and rise to above 4% in 2014.
“While this level of growth is not as vibrant as we would like, it is a base on which to build,” Gordhan noted.
State officials’ belts to tighten
Gordhan was very open about the need to bring the public sector wage bill under control, noting it had risen
from 35% to nearly 40% of the treasury’s non-interest expenditure over the past three years. With this in
mind he unveiled a proposal for moderate cost-of-living adjustments to public wages from 2012 onwards.
“As the government, we see the need for the same principle of moderation to be applied to ourselves as
Cabinet ministers and other political office bearers. This must also be extended to senior management in the
public service and executives of state entities. It is vital that the private sector provides responsible
leadership as well,” he said.
Improve education
Education remains the sector with the highest budgetary allocation, with more than 20% of non-interest
allocations. However, “education and skills levels need to be strengthened as spending increases have
enabled a broadening of access to education, but quality must be enhanced”. The budget for the health
department was also increased, with an annual rise of 7.4%, marking an increase from R113-billion in 2011
to R140-billion in 2014. This includes the funding of National Health Insurance pilot projects planned to be
unveiled in ten districts countrywide in 2012.The Official IMFO Newsletter Page 6
Pull together
In conclusion, Gordhan was very candid about the need for all spheres of government to work together in
achieving the goals set out in the speech.
“This is a time for united action, for greater urgency and for an unconditional focus on those programmes
which will demonstrate to our people that we and the we will change their lives for the better,” he said.

Finance woes dog municipalities

January 15 2012 at 01:51pm
Source – Business

Poor financial management has reached epidemic proportions among municipalities, according to a Sunday
Times report.

Of the country's 278 municipalities, 66 are in financial distress, while another 37 municipalities are heading
in the same direction, the Sunday Times reported, according to figures released by the National Treasury.
Symptoms of poor financial management included cadre deployment, crucial posts being left vacant,
political interference and poor revenue collection.

Some municipalities struggled to pay employees and contractors, risking service delivery. This also created
an environment conducive to corruption.

A significant number of municipalities underspent on capital items and grants, and there was a trend to cut
infrastructure maintenance spending.

By the end of the financial year last June, 20 municipalities reported closing cash positions that exceeded
one month's operating expenditure requirements.

Fifty municipalities failed to report closing cash positions, the paper reported. - Sapa