Friday 13 August 2010

Give credit where credit is due

Barry Vosloo, chairperson

While fair-minded people will identify with the frustration felt by local residents due to the apparent lack of quality service delivery by the municipality, one must concede that there have been a number of positive developments lately that deserve at least some recognition on our part.

Before mentioning those issues deserving of approval, I must share with readers my own observations about dr. Eddie Rankwana, the Municipal Manager – for what they are worth. I have found him to be an approachable and well-spoken man who is fighting odds that most of us cannot even imagine. He has to function in a highly politicised environment where his officials are mostly incompetent, corrupt or both. Do you know that top officials are virtually without exception political functionaries of the ruling party? He, therefore, has little choice but to perform a never-ending egg-dance. One of his main crutches is legislation, which he seems to adhere to religiously. I can understand that, because not even a politician will dare to fly in the face of the law.

En waarvoor verdien die munisipaliteit lof?
  • Eerstens is me. Carla Burger as risiko- en voldoeningsbestuurder by die Kouga Munisipaliteit aangestel. Sy het voorheen by ‘n private finanasiële raadgewersmaatskappy en ‘n kort rukkie by die kantoor van die ouditeur-generaal gewerk. Sy moet toesien dat alle munisipale finansiële prosedures aan wetlike voorskrifte voldoen.
  • Tweedens: die aanvaarding van ‘n organisasie- en metode-studie deur die Ontwikkelingsbank van Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie plaas organisatoriese aspekte onder die vergrootglas en maak dan aanbevelings ten opsigte van die maniere waarvolgens die munisipaliteit sy administrasie kan verbeter.
  • Derdens het die munisipale bestuurder by minstens drie geleenthede uitnodigings aan ons en ander soortgelyke verenigings in die Kouga gerig om oor enige saak met hom in gesprek te tree.

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