Saturday, 29 May 2010

Afbakening van nuwe munisipale kiesdistrikte

Die afbakening van nuwe munisipale kiesdistrikte met die oog op die 2011 munisipale verkiesing, is tans op dreef en behoort teen Oktober 2010 afgehandel te wees.

Die afbakening van nuwe munisipale kiesdistrikte word landwyd deur die Munisipale Afbakeningsraad hanteer. Die tradisionele grense van Jeffreysbaai (waaronder Mondplaas) sal na verwagting vyf kiesdistrikte insluit, te wete
  • Wyk 2 (Pellsrus);
  • Wyk 3 (Kabeljouws en Wavecrest tussen A D Keetstraat en die see);
  • Wyk 8 (die res van Wavecrest, Eedenglen en Mondplaas);
  • Wyk 11 (Ou Dorp en C-plek) en 
  • Wyk 14 (Paradysstrand, Astonbaai, Tokyo Sexwale en Ocean View).
Een van die gevolge van die afbakeningsproses sal wees dat baie kiesers in ander kiesdistrikte sal moet herregistreer. Alles sal egter in die werk gestel word om kiesers hiermee te help. Hou die plaaslike nuusblaaie dop.

Carelessness, incompetence or both?

The following entry appears in the minutes of a Bid Adjudication Committee meeting held in the office of the acting Director: Planning and Development:
  • “That Erf 60, Cape St. Francis be awarded to Mr. K Schlosz (sic) to the amount of R351 000 ... “
The very next item reads as follows:
  • “That Erf 60, Cape St. Francis be awarded to Mr. J. Natal to the amount of R145 000 … “
The minutes were signed off by Mrs. L. Simanga, Chairperson, and approved by the Municipal Manager, Dr. E.M Rankwana.

When Clr. Ben Rheeder pointed out the error, Dr. Rankwana, to his credit, sheepishly acknowledged the blunder and promised to have it investigated.
  • By the way, could Mr. J. Natal and the municipality’s law enforcement officer be one and the same person?

Friday, 28 May 2010

Excerpts from the mayor's budget speech: 27 May 2010

The administration had put teams together to go to the different wards to listen to inputs from the community. Madam Speaker, let me use the opportunity to thank all ward councillors for chairing these sessions. Also, a word of appreciation to members of the community for making valuable and insightful submissions.

I want to assure you that your contributions have been taken into account in the final budget that is submitted to Council. However, some of your requests could not be accommodated as only matter included in our IDP [Integrated Development Plan] can be considered for budget purposes. I have instructed the administration to accommodate the new submissions in our IDP review process.

Economic crunch
We are extremely sensitive to the economic crunch that impacts negatively on the lives of our communities. As a result we have during the meeting of our Budget Committee explored the possibility of granting more relief to our pensioners by, for instance, increasing the limit for indigent subsidy.

Medium term objectives
We attempted to utilize a community based development model whereby the needs of the public were elicited by ward and the ranking determined by the backlog in basic services.

Where the 2090/2010 budget was focussed on the delivery of basic services as well as attempting to improve social development, the 2010/2011 budget is a defined effort to address the delivery of water and sanitation. We cannot as local government sit back while the poor household does not have ample potable water and safe sanitation. Infrastructure development for the delivery of basic services to the poorest of the poor [therefore] received the largest allocation.

An increase in employment of approximately 10% is indicative of our commitment to lower unemployment. A significant increased budgetary allocation is made to local economic development to fortify our effort to address poverty

Operating budget
The operational revenue will be sourced as follows
• Assessment rates R115 million
• Electricity R138 million
• Water R37 million
• Sewerage R26 million
• Refuse R18 million
• Equitable share R33 million.

The main tariff increases remains unchanged from the tabling of the draft budget at:
• Assessment rates 5.7%
• Electricity 28.5% (average)
• Sewerage Revised hydraulic tariff
• Refuse 5.7%
• Water Revised

The provisions for staff costs accounts for 35% of the total operating budget. Salaries increase by 9.5%. This is in line with the collective agreement reached by the South African Local Government Bargaining Council.

Capital budget
• Governance and Administration nil million
• Community and Public Safety R5.7 million
• Economic and Environmental Services R2 million
• Trading Services R32 million

Infrastructure and Service Delivery receives 82% of the capital budget. The actual projects associated with these capital outlays can be found in the Budget and IDP.

It is important to mention the following as an indication of the ability of the organization [Kouga Municipality] to take us forward into the new election period thus giving confidence to the public:
1. We were commended for the best Integrated Development Plan (IDP) by the Provincial Government;
2. Recognition was granted to us for the best model of Annual Report;
3. We won the runner up award for Housing Delivery;
4. To crown it all we received an Unqualified Audit Report, excellent.
  • Although the JBRPA cannot vouch for it, the full text of the mayor’s budget speech should be found on the Kouga municipality website,

Thursday, 27 May 2010

We noticed. Thanks

Memo to: Municipal Manager
Stopstreet signs and speedbumps in Wavecrest were newly painted this week. This is to let you know we notice and acknowledge this. Thank you. Just a pity so many motorists in Jeffreys Bay do not know what those signs mean.
From: Japie Bosch

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Membership of the National Ratepayers' Union

A few weeks ago an anonymous enquiry was posted to the blog asking why the Jeffreys Bay Ratepayers’ Association (JBRPA) does not join the National Ratepayers’ Union (NRU).
  • There are two sides to the story.

The matter of membership of the NRU was discussed at length a few years ago at a special general meeting of the JBRPA. Protagonists argued that membership would enable ratepayers to bring greater pressure to bear on the local municipality in the event of a rates boycott. Others disagreed, citing the fact that many pensioners with limited incomes were nervous about additional charges and possible expensive repercussions associated with rates boycotts and membership of the NRU. In the end most members voted against becoming members of the NRU.
    At the time ratepayers perceived the NRU as a militant organisation hell-bent on organising and supporting rates boycotts all over the country.

    However, the Chairman of the NRU, Mr. Jaap Kelder, pointed out that it is not the purpose of his organisation to advise ratepayers’ organisations to enter into rates boycotts regardless of the consequences. It does so only as a last resort.
      He went on to emphasise other advantages of membership. They include members regularly receiving news about municipal matters, and providing legal and financial assistance when ratepayers’ associations decide to institute legal action against their municipality. The NRU bases its advice on current legislation, recent court judgements, and the experiences of other ratepayers’ associations.
      • Perhaps the time has come for the JBRPA to reconsider its decision not to join the NRU.

      Tuesday, 25 May 2010

      Municipalities 'need own courts'

      Cape Town - A parliamentary advisory group is calling for the government to introduce special courts to help cash-strapped municipalities collect debt.

      Krish Kumar, a commissioner for the Financial and Fiscal Commission said at a briefing in Parliament on Monday that a lack of dedicated courts was hampering the ability of municipalities to collect debts.

      "What we are finding in South Africa is that we don't have dedicated courts dealing with collection of municipal services," he said.

      "We have to go through normal processes, to magistrate courts or high courts, to collect our revenues."

      "What we are calling for is for the judicial system to be reviewed to have dedicated municipal courts dealing with municipal debt. That would ensure far better collectability."

      Kumar, speaking at the release of the FFC's submission on the division of revenue, said municipalities had to "improve on efficiency" so the public received better value for money. -- Sapa via News24

      Service delivery a 'powder keg'

      Cape Town - Research company TNS Research Surveys warned on Tuesday that current high levels of dissatisfaction with service delivery levels make violent protests a "certainty".

      The survey, conducted among 2 000 residents of South Africa's metropolitan areas in February, found more than half (52%) were unhappy with the service delivery they received from their local authority or municipality.

      This was a very high figure and one indicating that "violence over a lack of service delivery is a certainty", the company said in a statement.

      "Strike negotiators say that, when 30% or more of a work force are unhappy, there will almost certainly be strike or protest action.

      "With levels of unhappiness over service delivery exceeding half the population, the likelihood of such protest action then becoming violent becomes highly probable," TNS said.

      A study conducted in 2007 showed dissatisfaction levels at 27%, reports Sapa, via News24.

      That the levels of unhappiness had risen to 52% showed the problem of service delivery was now especially acute.

      In addition, 51% said they had been waiting too long for basic services from their local authority or municipality.

      Basic services

      It was clear that all areas were well above the critical level of 30% unhappiness, with very serious flash-points likely in the East and West Rand and the Vaal Triangle/South Rand in Gauteng as well as in East London.

      Not surprisingly, blacks, in particular, were the most unhappy with service delivery levels - 54% unhappy and 58% said they had been waiting too long for basic services.

      Among the unemployed, 59% were unhappy about service delivery, and among those in squatter camps and informal settlements, the unhappiness level rose to 65%.

      "Also, not surprisingly, it is the poorest of the poor who are the most unhappy, with as many as 80% of these people expressing unhappiness - a powder keg indeed."

      But even the most wealthy were also unhappy (49%). This was most likely due to the ongoing power outages, water problems and billing problems at the very least.

      The survey further found that 70% wanted illegal refugees living in South Africa returned to their countries of origin.

      Sunday, 23 May 2010

      Proposed Jeffreys Bay Wind Project

      A company called Mainstream Renewable Power Jeffreys Bay is currently examining the feasibility of one or more wind farms near Jeffreys Bay. The purpose of the proposed wind farms is to utilize our (in)famous blustery weather to generate electricity. This will entail erecting a number of wind masts with a height of approximately 100 m.

      To this end a firm called Public Process Consultants has been retained to conduct an environmental impact assessment relating to the proposed project. They have now produced a final scoping report, which is available for public scrutiny at the public library in Humansdorp and Jeffreys Bay. It can also be downloaded from the project website,

      The next stage in the environmental impact assessment process will entail the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP for a 40 day review period. Public meetings will also be held during this period.

      More details of the wind project may be found by clicking on Installation of 9 wind monitoring masts.

      Friday, 21 May 2010

      Minister jok glo oor kwalifikasie

      Die minister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, Sicelo Shiceka, beweer hy het ‘n meestersgraad. Hy het nie.  Die minister se portefeulje sluit plaaslike regering in.

      Só het die Mail and Guardian Vrydag berig nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat die minister glo fiktiewe inligting op sy CV geplaas het.

      Op die minister se CV, wat op die departement se webtuiste beskikbaar is, beweer hy dat hy ‘n meestersgraad in politieke ekonomie aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat verwerf het.

      Shiceka se woordvoerder, mnr. Vuyelwa Qinga Vika, het op navraag gesê dat die minister steeds besig is met sy meestersgraad en dat hy nog sekere modules het om te voltooi.

      Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van die universiteit was Shicka vanaf 2004 tot 2005 by die universiteit geregistreer maar het hy nooit sy graad voltooi nie. -- Beeld, 21 Mei 2010.

      Thursday, 20 May 2010

      Ai, die Ingels

      Rubrieksrywer Pollux van Rapport het Sondag (16 Mei 2010) die volgende van Vryburger ontleen: ’n Joernalis wou van minister Nathi Mthethwa weet of kabinetslede wat sleg vaar in die pad gesteek gaan word. Dié antwoord toe: “It is the president that appoints and disappoints people.”
      • Almal is dit een dat die agbare president stel wel dikwels teleur. Dis die ervaring in Jeffreysbaai ook.

      Invasion of exotic plants

      A ratepayer recently approached the association because of a concern about the invasion of alien plants on erf 3816, a piece of vacant land belonging to the Kouga Municipality. There is also much dry plant material on the land, giving rise to fears of a potential fire hazard endangering the homes in nearby Platkroon, Sage, Combretum and Rina van der Merwe Streets.

      The matter was brought to the attention of the municipal manager in writing on 12 May 2010. He has not yet responded.

      Thursday, 13 May 2010

      It doesn't happen in Jeffreys Bay. Does it?

      A Johannesburg ratepayer wrote to Noseweek (#126; April 2010) recently, bemoaning the fact that he has spent years trying to find out what lies behind the endless, outrageous demands for unwarranted payment made by the Johannesburg city council.

      “For many years,” he writes, “I’ve been receiving accounts from the Joburg council – either directly, or via lawyers – for properties I no longer own. Over a lengthy period I made concerted efforts to stop the flow of wasted paper, and see the end of this bad business practice with its outrageous waste of time and energy.”

      When his queries and complaints were turned away by officials at the lower end of the pecking order, he spoke to all kinds of senior people, including a cabinet minister – all to no avail. Even the firm of lawyers, who were sending out accounts and letters of notice on behalf of the council, was unhelpful. They told him they wouldn’t stop sending them as they were only acting on instructions.

      So he came to the conclusion that the council books are intentionally “bloated” or “cooked” with “ghost” accounts. “These lawyers, officials and councillors,” he contends, “are involved in artificially inflating the value of the council’s ‘debtors’ book’ in order to hide the fact that it is either insolvent or near insolvent. It’s perfectly obvious that those involved know these are fictitious accounts, and that they won’t, in the main, be paid. If I am right, this represents a massive fraud on the part of council officials and the attorneys acting for them.”

      Tuesday, 11 May 2010

      Single election for SA by 2014

      KIMBERLEY -- South Africa will have a single election for all spheres of government by 2014, the Minister for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sicelo Shiceka, said on Tuesday.

      "In South Africa we are constantly busy with elections and there is no time to deliver service," he said at the SA Local Government Association's (Salga) national members' assembly.
      • Shiceka reminded delegates that the term for municipal councillors would be three years after the 2011 municipal elections.
      Hundreds of municipal executive mayors, mayors and councillors were attending Salga's national members' assembly, which was the highest decision-making body for Salga between national conferences.

      Shiceka said all mayor and municipal managers would meet President Jacob Zuma within the next two months to sign performance agreement contracts.

      "A special meeting will be convened to discuss the implementation thereof."

      Shiceka said the agreements would be aligned to a performance agreement that he signed with the president.

      "This is the delivery of basic services to all South Africans which would include water, sanitation, electricity and waste management by 2014."

      The minister said this would also include the creation of 4,5-million job opportunities by 2014 and the transformation of administrative and financial systems of municipalities including supply chain management.
      • Municipalities should by then also be able to collect 90% of their revenue.
      • A properly qualified and skilled official must also be in place in six strategic posts: a municipal manager, a chief financial officer, town planner, an engineer, a communication officer and a human resource manager.
      Shiceka said it was time that basic service delivery in South Africa should come into place "so that government could look at other issues".

      He said all municipalities had done their "turn-around strategies", decided by Cabinet in December 2009, for implementation.

      Earlier, Northern Cape premier Hazel Jenkins urged Salga to address the "considerable administrative and political instability" at municipalities.

      "Our municipalities have been severely weakened by high staff turnovers together with staff who lack proper skills and the requisite expertise."

      Jenkins said the problem was made worse by municipalities' inability to retain staff in areas of management, finance and engineering.

      She said municipalities should review their recruitment and retention practices to ensure that they deploy the right person for the right job at the right time.

      Jenkins said the relationship between officials and the political leaders should be strengthened to clarify accountability. -- Mail & Guardian Online, via Sapa

      Munisipale rekeninge is té ingewikkeld

      Selfs ’n universiteitsgraad sal jou nie juis help om jou munisipale rekening te verstaan nie, sê die Waternavorsingskommissie (WNK) ná ’n ondersoek.

      Die WNK het bevind gewone Suid-Afrikaners sukkel om kop of stert uit te maak van dié rekenings.

      Gegewens soos hoeveel water of krag hulle verbruik of hoeveel hulle daarvoor opdok, is Grieks vir die meeste mense – of, wel, omdat dit in Engels is.

      Slegs 7,4% van die 2 500 belastingbetalers wat deur die kommissie genader is, kon hul maandelikse waterverbruik op die munisipale rekening vind.

      Slegs 14% van mense in die hoë inkomstegroepe kon die korrekte antwoorde gee. Mense in lae inkomstegroepe en diegene wie se huistaal nie Engels is nie, sukkel om enige sin daarvan te maak.

      Dr. Sarah Slabbert, projekleier van die WNK, sê in ’n verklaring daar moet van munisipaliteite en die regering gevra word hoe verbruikers water en elektrisiteit moet bespaar as hul water- en elektrisiteitverbruik só onverstaanbaar weergegee word.

      Die meeste verbruikers verstaan nie eens die verskil tussen ’n liter en ’n kiloliter nie.

      Daarby verstaan hulle ook nie wat terme soos “die balans wat oorgedra word”, “agterstallig” of “verbruik” beteken nie.

      Kodes, afkortings en akronieme is vir hulle Grieks.

      Die WNK pleit dus vir die standaardisering van munisipale rekenings. Volgens die kommissie kan dit help om die land se water- en energievoetspoor heelwat te verklein.

      Metrorade soos Tshwane en Kaapstad het al begin om hul rekeninge meer verstaanbaar te maak. Berig: Beeld

      Thursday, 6 May 2010

      Municipal bill gets nod

      Cape Town – Cabinet has approved the Municipal Systems Amendment Bill, which seeks to depoliticise municipalities and ensure that provincial and local governments appoint skilled people, says government spokesperson Themba Maseko.

      The bill has been hailed by Co-operative Governance Minister Sicelo Shiceka as progress towards achieving President Jacob Zuma's promise to rid public service of "lazy and incompetent" employees.

      It would prohibit the appointment of political office bearers to top municipal posts.

      Click here to read the report on News24.

      Wednesday, 5 May 2010

      Kwelvrae oor Kouga-begroting

      Kwelvrae is oor die Kouga-munsipaliteit se voorgestelde begroting vir 2010/2011 tydens 'n openbare vergadering op Maandagaand, 3 Mei 2010, in die Newtonsaal gevra. Die vergadering was vir wyk 3 se inwoners belê. Soorgelyke vergaderings sal vir ander wyke gehou word.

      Die doel was dat inwoners insette moes lewer oor die begroting wat op 3 Mei 2010 deur die stadsraad goedgekeur moet word. Dit beloop amper R490 miljoen. 'n Aantal senior amptenare, waaronder die munsipale bestuurder, was teenwoordig, maar alle vrae is deur die hooffinasiële beampte beantwoord.

      Die vereniging se sekretaris, Gerrie Botes, het die begroting met 'n fynkam deurgegaan en 'n reeks vrae gevra en sy bekommernis oor verskeie sake uitgespreek. Barry Vosloo het ook 'n aantal vrae namens die vereniging gevra.

      Gerrie Botes se vrae en kwellings was:

      • Personeelkoste het die laaste paar jaar aansienlik gestyg.
      - In 2008/2009 was R97.5 miljoen begroot en het dit op R107.6 miljoen gëeindig.
      - In 2009/2010 was dit R121.9 miljoen en
      - In 2010/2011 word vir R142.8 miljoen begroot (dit sluit nie die personeelkoste van R3.9 miljoen onder Algemene Uitgawes in nie.) Dit laat ons met personeelkoste wat 40 persent van totale koste uitmaak, wat die norm van 33 persent drasties oorskry. Hoekom is dit so hoog?

      • Dis kommerwekkend om te sien dat die finansiële afdeling se personeeluitgawes verreweg die grootste van alle afdelings is, naamlik 13,5 persent. Dit kom vreemd voor. Waarom begroot dié afdeling wat ‘n ondersteunende rol moet speel, vir oortyd van R231 600?

      • Is die volgende werklik geregverdig?
      - Nie minder nie as R880 000 word vir prestasiebonusse begroot;
      - Altesame R7,3 miljoen word vir vervoertoelaes begroot en
      - Die begrote uitgawe vir konsultante beloop R2,85 miljoen vir 2011.

      • “Algemene Uitgawes” wat oorbegroot voorkom, is:
      - Kongresse en afgevaardigdes: R299 203;
      - Sprtdag vir werknemers: R160 000;
      - Openbare spyseniering: R300 000;
      - Regsuitgawes: R1.7 miljoen begroot;
      - Opening van die raad: R80 000;
      - Omkeerprogram: R2 miljoen;
      - Internasionale betrekkinge: R275 000;
      - Onderwys: R500 000;
      - Spesiale Sosiale Ontwikkelingsprojekte: R1.450 miljoen en
      - Die uitgawes van die Burgemeester: R1.43 miljoen.

      • Herstel- en onderhoudskoste: die begroting toon dat slegs 8.2 persent van die uitgawe hiervoor begroot word. Dit blyk te min te wees gegewe die toestand van ons paaie en ander infrastruktuur. ‘n Toewysing van 10 tot 12 persent sou redeliker wees.

      • Besteding aan kapitaal bly ‘n probleem vir die stadraad.
      - In 2007is slegs 27 persent van die kapitaalbegroting bestee;
      - In 2008 was 34 persent beste;
      - In 2009 was dit 41 persent.
      - Die syfer vir 2010 tot datum is nie bekend nie.
      Dis kommerwekkend dat die projekte nie uitgevoer word nie.

      • Ons wag ook, ná hoeveel beloftes, steeds dat aandag gegee word aan
      - Die beloofde oorlaaistasie wat beklemtoon is met die instel van die Omgewingsbestuursfonds (OBF) waarvoor inwoners elke maand R27 betaal;
      - Die stormwaterdreinering by Kabeljauws en
      - Die uitfassering van suigputte.

      Barry Vosloo se vrae en standpunte was:

      • Verlede jaar het ek verneem dat die befondsing van biblioteke ‘n provinsiale aangeleentheid is. Ek het egter daarop gewys dat
      - die provinsie nie sy taak na behore uitvoer nie en
      - dat die belastingbetaler nie met sy arms gevou kan sit terwyl ‘n leeskultuur by ons kinders ondermyn word nie. My pleidooi het nie op dowe ore geval nie, want ‘n bedrag van R109 752 is begroot vir die aankoop van biblioteekboeke. Ek het egter verneem dat die begroting vir 2010/2011 voorsiening maak vir slegs R34 752, dit wil sê sowat R3 159 vir 21 boeke per biblioteek. Ek en my mede-belastingbetalers dink ons kinders verdien beter. Die munisipaliteit word dus versoek om die toewysing vir 2010/2011 net 10% te verhoog na R121 000.

      • Volgens die 2010/2011- begroting word ‘n bedrag van R500 000 aan onderwys toegewys. As ‘n oud-onderwyser laat dit my hart warm klop. Ek sou egter graag wou weet in water opsig die onderwys hierby sal baat.

      • Verlede Desember het ‘n jong vriend by ons blouvlag-hoofstrand verdrink nadat hy oënskynlyk deur ‘n waterponie (jetski) getref is. Vóór en ná hom was daar nóg verdrinkings by dieselfde strand. Dink ons munisipale owerhede dat ons strande in 2010/2011 veiliger sal wees indien hulle die begrote bedrag vir “lewensrweddingsdienste” van R300 000 na R100 000 verminder?

      • ‘n Plaaslike koerant het op 29 April berig dat die Departement van Koöperatiewe Regering en Tradisionele Sake aan die munisipaliteit ‘n “A” toegeken het na ‘n “tough and intensive survey”. Dié opname vorm glo deel van die department se plaaslike regering-omdraaistrategie. Groot gewag is ook gemaak van die department se bevinding dat die direktoraat van finansies 4.6 uit ‘n moontlik 5 punte behaal het. Hoe geloofwaardig is hierdie opname in die lig daarvan dat
      - die munisipaliteit verlede jaar ‘n gekwalifiseerde oudit van die ouditeur-generaal ontvang het,
      - die belastingbetaler se bedenkinge het oor die hantering van voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitsmeters en
      - daar ander oënskynlike ongerymdhede is?

      Tuesday, 4 May 2010

      Só gaan u meer betaal

      Die Kouga munisipaliteit se begroting van digby R490 miljoen vir 2010/11 moet op 31 Mei 2010 goedgekeur word.

      Op 3 Mei het amptenare met inwoners van wyk 3 in die Newtonsaal vergader waartydens beginsels van die begroting verduidelik is. Insette is van die inwoners gevra. Hiertydens is die verhoging in eiendomsbelasting en ander huishoudelike munisipale tariewe bekendgemaak. Die tree op 1 Junie 2010 in werking. Die beoogde stygings is soos volg:

      Omgewingsbestuursfooi (OBF)5,7
      Rioolafvoer *Tussen 0 -- 100

      *  ‘n Nuwe stelsel waarmee die tarief vir rioolafvoer bereken word, tree in werking. Dié tarief sal aan die  waterverbruik koppel. Hoe meer water verbruik word, hoe meer sal inwoners vir rioolafvoer betaal. Dit blyk dat die meeste verbruikers minder vir dié diens sal betaal. Verbruikers wat meer as 20 kiloliter per maand verbruik, sal meer as 100 persent meer betaal.
      • Amptenare is met vrae van die teenwoordiges oorval. Die belastingbetalersvereniging (BBV) is deur drie van sy bestuurslede verteenwoordig. Hul vrae en vertolking van die begroting sal in ‘n volgende berig verskyn.

      Saturday, 1 May 2010

      Stricter measures to come

      The Municipal Systems Act is being revised, with the amendments before Parliament at the moment in order to be gazetted by the end of April. Here are some of the changes proposed:
      • Officials must comply with the qualifications necessary for their jobs;
      • Councilors who appoint unqualified staff will have to pay the contract damages out of their own pockets;
      • Officials are not allowed to occupy senior political positions;
      • Managers found guilty of fraud or corruption will be suspended without salary; managers who face disciplinary action, may not be redeployed or resign;
      • There will be better supervision of salaries.
      • Comment: some of these amendments might be in conflict with our labour laws, so this is an interesting development! Let’s see who wins this round. -- Bulletin 34, National Taxpayers' Union.
      The blog of the NBU may be visited by clicking HERE. It is good reading.