Approximately 100 people participated in the Jeffreys Bay
Residents Association march on the Kouga Municipal offices on Wednesday,
October 3rd 2012. Although a
much smaller march than the 12th September affair, this was still a
good turnout for a single residents association in Kouga. This civil protest
had unusual significance.
This march was surrounded by controversy. The municipal
manager of the Kouga Municipality(KM) refused permission for the march to
proceed in a letter received the day before the march. The KM did not attend the police briefing
sessions required by law, and did not respond to several communications
regarding the march. Attempts were made to sow disinformation in the community
by sending SMS’s stating that the march had been cancelled.
This march re-affirmed that South Africa is a country
governed by law and a constitution, and not by men. These marchers had much in common with those
farmers in 1899 who stood up to the might of the British Empire for the sake of
their freedom, with those students in Soweto who defended their rights as
citizens against an all-powerful state, with those Germans who tore down the
wall dividing them in 1989. Despite an order banning the march, these brave
people gathered and walked because the law gives them the right to peacefully
express their opinions. On behalf of all
the citizens of Kouga, these 100 people demonstrated that the officials are not
our masters, that they do not have the final word on what happens in our
district, or our country. From now on, everything this municipality does is
subject to the law and to the constitution.
These 3 recent marches have awoken a new sense of solidarity
and determination amongst the citizens of Kouga. The marches were not about
politics, or power, or advantage. Citizens, rich and poor, black and white and
coloured, old and young, came together peacefully and in good spirits to demand
that the civil servants simply do their job, earn their large salaries, look
after and develop our beautiful region. These marches made it clear that people
of influence and power in the administration will be held to account,
individually, for the shortcomings in the performance of their duties. After years of corruption, waste and incompetence
the citizens have finally had enough, and are stepping up to make their voices
heard. “Shape up or ship out” is the clear message.
It was Abraham Lincoln who said “You can fool all of the
people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all the time, but
you can’t fool all the people all the time”. Our administrators and officials
in Kouga should take note.
Trevor Watkins