Jeffreys Bay Residents Association
Chairmans report delivered at AGM on 22nd February 2012
Fellow residents, honoured guests, councillors and members
of the JBRA committee,
It is my honour and duty to present the chairman’s report
for our residents association for the past year. I wish to start by thanking
the members of the committee for their efforts, particularly those who have
survived an entire year.
When I accepted the position of chairman of the JBRA at the
last AGM I set 3 major goals for the year. The first goal was to increase
membership, the second goal was to engage effectively with the Kouga
Municipality, and the third goal was to participate effectively in FEKRRA, the
federation of residents associations.
The major reason for increasing membership is to improve
communication within the Jeffreys Bay community. Our aim was to get current
contact information for as many residents as possible by registering them in
our database. The second reason is to be able to speak with authority when
negotiating with the Kouga Municipality. Politicians are only impressed by the
number of voters you represent. Although the JBRA needs an income to do its job
effectively, increased membership income was never a major consideration.
Total registered membership of the JBRA now sits at 700
residents, an approximately 10-fold increase over the membership for the
previous year. Of these 700, 181 have paid the annual fee and may vote at
meetings such as this. Based on this registered membership, the JBRA is now the
biggest and one of the most active residents associations in Kouga.
Our second goal was to engage effectively with the Kouga
Municipality. The committee has had numerous high level meetings with the KM,
submitted many documents, requests and demands, published articles on our blog
and in the local press, largely to no avail. I regret to say that our impact on
the governance of Kouga has been minimal. By and large, our many suggestions
and requests have been ignored. This
frustration is shared by the other residents associations in FEKRRA, and was
raised again with the mayor and MM at a meeting this morning. The JBRA has
setup a system for filing individual disputes with the KM, which may assist in
getting some issues resolved more effectively.
Our third goal was to participate effectively in FEKRRA.
After the unfortunate death of Joe Oosthuizen, the FEKRRA chairman, this
organisation became very quiet. About
halfway through the year a new committee was elected, of which I am
vice-chairman. I assisted FEKRRA by
setting up a website, and also helped setup a website for our sister RA in
Paradise Beach/Aston Bay. FEKRRA has had 3 meetings with the KM since then, the
last as recently as this morning. If FEKRRA’s demands are not met soon then we
can expect legal action to follow in the near future.
The main task of a residents association is to improve
communication, between members, with the municipality, and with the world at
large. The Arab Spring has highlighted the importance of modern electronic communications
in civil society. A lot of effort this
year has been devoted to improving communication to residents and between
- A comprehensive website was setup at Local news, useful documents, links to relevant local sites, calendars, maps, online registrations are all available on the website.
- A new blog was setup, and many articles were posted by the committee.
- The JAG email discussion group was established.
- The Mobilitate website was discovered and put to use for J Bay issues.
- The Crimespotter CPF facility was setup, including the emergency SMS facility.
- A database of all members details is maintained, and regular emails and SMSs are sent to all registered members.
Despite all this effort, the involvement of J Bay residents
in these initiatives has been poor.
- Very few read the blog, almost no one comments, and only 3 or 4 people have submitted articles to the blog in a year.
- Only 50 people replied to several hundred invitations to join the JAG email group.
- Only 50 people have joined the Crimespotter CPF, and no one has logged any crimes in the past several months.
- Only 2 or 3 people have logged any issues on the Mobilitate website. So far, only one of the 3 councillors in the JBRA area has managed to register themselves on Mobilitate and respond to the 50 or so issues logged there.
There are lots of reasons for this apathy, but very few
excuses. Instead of a vibrant and
dynamic exchange of ideas about J Bay and its circumstances, we have the
spectacle of 2 or 3 people shouting down a hole, uncertain if anyone is
actually listening.
The 2011 committee launched a number of initiatives in the
course of the year:
- voting and non-voting membership
- Residents Projects, where residents undertake their own local civic maintenance, such as the cleanup undertaken by the committee during the municipal strike
- declaring individual disputes with the KM using a local lawyer
- a quarterly public meeting and a quarterly newsletter
- the Legal Watchdog committee
- the idea of issuing fines to the KM for services not correctly performed
- the proposal to form a consulting group to advise and assist the KM for free
I believe the JBRA was instrumental in
- having the new housing development in Ocean View sent for further investigation
- focussing attention on the billing fiasco at the KM
- focussing attention on issues such as sewage spills, brown water in Wavecrest, potholes, etc
- influencing the development of the 2012 IDP and budget
- focussing attention on financial irregularities in the KM
- resolving some issues at the J Bay Caravan Park
I believe that our new mayoral committee and council are somewhat
better than the previous disastrous
bunch, in the same way that a poke in
just one eye with a sharp stick is better than a poke in both eyes. The auditor general has declared the KM
officially bankrupt, a fact which we pointed out 6 months ago. Like the rest of
South Africa, the Kouga Municipality finds itself dealing with the inevitable consequences of
bad policies and bad management. This steady decline to 3rd world
standards can only be reversed when sensible policies are implemented by
competent managers.
However, despite all the doom and gloom, most of us in this
room stay in nice houses on clean streets with electricity, running water and
reasonable sewage. That puts us way ahead of most of the rest of our fellow
citizens in Kouga, a fact we forget at our peril.
In conclusion, I believe that the JBRA has made some
significant strides in the last year, by increasing membership, by
communicating better, by engaging with the KM regularly. However, I believe
that the situation in J Bay has got worse in the last year, not better, and
that much remains for the new committee to tackle.
Trevor Watkins